Slow Museums: December 11, 2021 – Bomarzo – il Sacro Bosco / Parco dei Mostri

After spending a few hours here, I feel a kindred sympathy for its creator, the prince Pier Francesco (“Vicino”) Orsini. I too have felt inexplicable urges to move rocks and construct walls and fountains, “sol per sfogare il core”.

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Slow Museums: November 18, 2021 – Napoli – Museo Archeologico Nazionale

On November 18, 2019, I stumbled upon a magnificent bronze equine hidden in the deepest labyrinth of the MANN’s collection of Pompeiian paintings. Set up on a rough wooden pallet in Sala LXXVIII, the installation seemed temporary, incomplete – there was no information anywhere in the room about its provenance.

The horse in Sala LXXVIII (photo by Sarah Matesz)
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